Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019)
Published by National Health and Medical Research Council on Nov 12, 2024
Publication detailsPublication title: Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019)
Published: May 2019
Publisher: National Health and Medical Research Council
NHMRC Publication Reference: CD34
Online version (interactive app):
Online version (PDF):
ISBN Online: 978-1-86496-028-0
Suggested citation: National Health and Medical Research Council (2019) Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2019
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The Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare were co-funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.Contact
NHMRC Infection Prevention and Control TeamAbstract
The Guidelines provide a nationally accepted approach to infection prevention and control, focusing on core principles and priority areas for action. They provide a basis for healthcare workers and healthcare facilities to develop detailed protocols and processes for infection prevention and control specific to local settings.This approach is underpinned by a risk-management framework to ensure the basic principles of infection prevention and control can be applied to a wide range of healthcare settings including hospitals, day procedure units, office-based practice, long-term care facilities, remote area health services, home and community nursing and emergency services. It is recognised that the level of risk may differ according to the different types of facility and therefore some recommendations should be justified by risk assessment. When implementing these recommendations all healthcare facilities need to consider the risk of transmission of infection and implement according to their specific setting and circumstances.
The evidence base for the Guidelines addresses the highest level of risk of infection transmission in the healthcare setting, and has predominantly been drawn from the acute-care setting. The recommendations should be read in the context of the evidence base and the advice on the practical application of the recommendations.